
Find and manage entities in PIM. Use the fast search to find the entities required and reuse any search as a saved search for even faster access or link in your dashboard.

Using the search-page you can efficiently search for entities in the PIM. By adding columns and filtering on them you can find entities that match your exact needs. To learn how to utilize the search more efficiently read the Search help-page.

  1. Click dropdown "What to search for"

  2. Select entity type from list

Entity types supported in Search is

  • Product

  • Variant group

  • Variant

  • Category

Manage columns

  1. Click "Columns"

  2. Read more about how to manage columns here: Manage columns

Find entity

  1. Click on any column header

  2. Type value to search for

Tip To read about how to search more effectively, read here: Search help

Edit entity

  1. Click on any value in the matched entity row

Copy entity

  1. Select an entity

  2. Click "Actions"-button

  3. Click "Copy"

  4. Click "Create copy"

Bulk actions

  1. Select one or more entities

  2. Click "Actions"-button

  3. Read more about available bulk actions here

Apply filter

  1. Click "Filter"-icon

  2. Select field

  3. Type values

  4. Click "OK"

To remove filter again click "Remove"-icon on applied filter

  1. Click "Saved searches"-dropdown

  2. Choose an option

Note Read about how to create saved searches here: Saved searches.

Quick Export

Export all rows with selected columns as an .xlsx file

  1. Click "Quick export"-icon

Include Archived

This will include archived entities in search.

  1. Click "Included archived"-icon

Adjust page size

  1. Click dropdown Page size

Page sizes supported

  • 10

  • 25

  • 50

  • 100

  • 500

Selected page size is stored in a cookie.

Last updated