
Get every team member on the same page with the easy-to-use task management with user assignment and product attachment capabilities

View task

Tasks are shown directly in the Tasks tab. Click on a task to view information about it.

Filter tasks

Tasks can be filtered by five different options:

  • Assigned to me

  • All assigned to me

  • Open tasks I have created

  • All tasks I have created

  • All tasks

Find task

  1. Click column header for Title, Status, Deadline, Responsible, Created or Unread comments

  2. Type value to search for

Add a new task

  1. Click "Create task"

  2. Set Title and Responsible along with additional details

  3. Click "Create task"

Edit task

  1. Click "Edit"-icon

  2. Modify the task details

  3. Click "Update task"

Delete task

  1. Click "Delete"-icon

  2. Confirm delete

Bulk update tasks

  1. Select the tasks you wish to bulk update

  2. Click the icon corresponding to the property you wish to edit

  3. Set a new value

  4. Click "Set property"

Bulk delete tasks

  1. Select the tasks you wish to bulk delete

  2. Click the appearing "Trash can"-icon

  3. Click "OK" on the confirmation dialog

Pin a task to the sidebar

  1. Click the "Pin"-icon of the task you wish to pin

Last updated