API configuration details
Details that define and describe the API key configurations.
You can add or update API keys through Settings > API configuration.
A name for the API key, to be able to recognize what it is used for.
API key
API key used to connect to the PIM API.
API endpoint access
The endpoints that can be accessed using this API key.
Create attribute groups
Allow this API key to create attribute groups in the system.
Create attributes
Allow this APi key to create attributes in the system.
Create attribute scopes
Allow this API key to create attribute scopes in the system.
Delete attribute groups
Allow this API key to delete attribute groups in the system.
Delete attributes
Allow this API key to delete attributes in the system.
Delete attribute scopes
Allow this API key to delete attribute scopes in the system.
Get attribute groups
Allow this API key to get attribute groups in the system.
Get attributes
Allow this API key to get attributes in the system.
Get attribute scopes
Allow this API key to get attribute scopes in the system.
Update attribute groups
Allow this API key to update attribute scopes in the system.
Update attributes
Allow this API key to update attributes in the system.
Update attribute scopes
Allow this API key to update attribute scopes in the system.
Create categories
Allow this API key to create categories in the system.
Create product catalogues
Allow this API key to create new product catalogues in the system.
Delete categories
Allow this API key to delete categories in the system.
Delete product catalogues
Allow this API key to delete product catalogues in the system.
Get categories
Allow this API key to get categories in the system.
Get category enrichment insights
Allow fetching of enrichment insights for categories.
Get procuct catalogues
Allow this API key to get product catalogues in the system.
Search categories
Allow this API key to search categories in the system.
Update categories
Allow this API key to update categories in the system.
Enable/disable category enrichment insights
Allow disabling and enabling of insights for specific categories.
Update product catalogues
Allow this API key to update product catalogues in the system.
Create collections
Allow this API key to create collections in the system.
Delete collections
Allow this API key to delete collections in the system.
Get collections
Allow this API key to get collections in the system.
Update collections
Allow this API key to update collections in the system.
Create dimensions
Allow this API key to create dimensions in the system.
Delete dimensions
Allow this API key to delete dimensions in the system.
Get dimensions
Allow this API key to get dimensions in the system.
Update dimensions
Allow this API key to update dimensions in the system.
Create Enrichment Insight setups
Allow this API key to create Enrichment Insight setups in the system.
Delete Enrichment Insight setups
Allow this API key to delete Enrichment Insight setups in the system.
Get Enrichment Insight setups
Allow this API key to get Enrichment Insight setups in the system.
Update Enrichment Insight setups
Allow this API key to update Enrichment Insight setups in the system.
Build export
Allow this API key to build exports using the built-in export system of Struct PIM.
Create global list folders
Allow this API key to create global list folders in the system.
Create global lists
Allow this API key to create global lists in the system.
Create global list values
Allow this API key to create global list values.
Delete global list folders
Allow this API key to delete global list folders in the system.
Delete global lists
Allow this API key to delete global lists in the system.
Delete global list values
Allow this API key to delete global list values in the system.
Get global list folders
Allow this API key to get global list folders in the system.
Get global lists
Allow this API key to get global lists in the system.
Get global list values
Allow this API key to get global list values in the system.
Search global lists
Allow this API key to search global list values in the system.
Update global list folders
Allow this API key to update global list folders in the system.
Update global lists
Allow this API key to update global lists in the system.
Update global list values
Allow this API key to update global list values in the system.
Create languages
Allow this API key to create languages in the system
Delete languages
Allow this API key to delete languages in the system
Get languages
Allow this API key to get all languages in the system
Update languages
Allow this API key to update languages in the system
Model generator
Allow this API key to generate models for products, variants, categories and global lists
Allow this API key to start maintenance jobs in the system.
Create message queue
Allow this API key to create message queue connection configured in the system
Delete message queue
Allow this API key to delete message queue connections configured in the system.
Get messaging queues
Allow this API key to get message queues configured in the system.
Update message queues
Allow this API key to update message queues configured in the system.
Create products
Allow this API key to create new products in the system.
Delete products
Allow this API key to delete products in the system.
Get product enrichment insights
Allow fetching of enrichment insights for products.
Get products
Allow fetching of products and associated data.
Search products
Allow this API key to search products.
Enable/disable product enrichment insights
Allow disabling and enabling insights for specific products.
Update products
Allow this API key to update products in the system.
Get print publications
Allow this API key to get configured print publications in the Publication Module.
Get transaction changes
Allow this API key to get information on the changes made to entities in transcations.
Get transactions
Allow this API key to get transactions in the system.
Create user groups
Allow this API key to create user groups in the system.
Delete user groups
Allow this API key to delete user groups in the system.
Get user groups
Allow this API key to get user groups in the system.
Update user groups
Allow this API key to update user groups in the system.
Create users
Allow this API key to create users in the system.
Delete users
Allow this API key to delete users in the system.
Get users
Allow this API key to get users in the system.
Update users
Allow this API key to update users in the system.
Create variant groups
Allow this API key to create new variant groups in the system.
Delete variant groups
Allow this API key to delete variant groups in the system.
Get variant group enrichment insights
Allow fetching of enrichment insights for variant groups.
Get variant groups
Allow fetching of variant groups and associated data.
Search variant groups
Allow this API key to search variant groups in the system.
Enable/disable variant group enrichment insights
Allow disabling and enabling insights for specific variant groups.
Update variant groups
Allow this API key to update variant groups.
Create variants
Allow this API key to create new variants in the system.
Delete variants
Allow this API key to delete variants in the system.
Get variant enrichment insights
Allow fecthing of enrichment insights for variants.
Get variants
Allows fecthing of variants and associated data.
Search variants
Allow this API key to search variants in the system.
Enable/disable variant enrichment insights
Allow disabling and enabling insights for specific variants.
Update variants
Allow this API key to update variants in the system.
Create webhooks
Allow this API key to create webhooks configured in the system.
Delete webhooks
Allow this API key to delete webhooks configured in the system.
Get webhooks
Allow this API key to get webhooks configured in the system.
Update webhooks
Allow this API key to update webhooks configured in the system.
Create workflows
Allow this API key to create workflows in the system.
Delete workflows
Allow this API key to delete workflows in the system.
Get workflows
Allow this API key to get workflows in the system.
Update workflows
Allow this API key to update workflows in the system.
Create comments on user tasks
Allow this API key to create comments on user tasks in the system.
Create user tasks
Allow this API key to create user tasks in the system.
Delete user task comments
Allow this API key to delete user task comments in the system.
Delete user tasks
Allow this API key to delete user tasks in the system.
Get user tasks
Allow this API key to get user tasks in the system.
Update user task comments
Allow this API key to update user task comments in the system.
Update user tasks
Allow this API key to update user tasks in the system.
Create permissions and permission groups
Allow this API key to create new permissions and permission groups in the system.
Delete permissions and permission groups
Allow this API key to delete permissions and permission groups in the system.
Get permissions and permission groups
Allow fetching of permissions and permission groups.
Update permissions and permission groups
Allow this API key to update permissions and permission groups.
Create product structures
Allow this API key to create new product structures in the system.
Delete product structures
Allow this API key to delete product structures in the system.
Get product structures
Allow this API key to get product structures in the system.
Update product structures
Allow this API key to update product structures in the system.
Create Assets
Allow this API key to create assets in the system.
Delete assets
Allow this API key to delete assets in the system.
Get assets
Allow this API key to get assets in the system.
Update assets
Allow this API key to update assets in the system.
Create archive reasons
Allow this API key to create archive reasons in the system.
Delete archive reasons
Allow this API key to delete archive reasons in the system.
Get archive reasons
Allow this API key to get archive reasons in the system.
Update archive reasons
Allow this API key to update archive reasons in the system.
Browse endpoints
Browse Products
Browse Variants
Browse Variant Groups
Browse Categories
Last updated