How to use Transformation during import
By using Transformation during import you can easily manipulate data to your liking
Last updated
By using Transformation during import you can easily manipulate data to your liking
Last updated
Prerequisite: This tutorial assumes you know the basics of the import feature. If this is not the case you can learn the basics in other guides here: How to use import The tools this tutorial goes through are all found on the data mapping page of import
When importing Text or Number attributes you can choose to do Transformation on the incoming values. This is done by clicking the 'Transform' text to the right of the data mapping.
Whether you click 'Transformation' for a Text attribute or Number attribute determines the tranformations that are eligible.
Transformation for Text has the following options:
All caps
All non caps
Capitalize first letter in sentence
Capitalize first letter in word
Regex replace
These are all pretty selfexplanatory and require no other choices to be made, except Replace and Regex replace.
Replace takes an 'Old value' and a 'New value'. In the example above all occurences of 'jacket' will be replaced with 'pillowcase' for the attribute the Transformation was added to.
Regex replace is similar, however it takes a pattern instead of an 'Old value'. This pattern is in the form of a regular expression and all occurences that fits the pattern will be replaced with the new value.
Transformation for Numbers has the following options:
And they do exactly what they say.
Having chosen your Transformation type simply input the Number for the operation and the operation will be executed on the attribute that is imported.