Data type details

Details that define and describe the data type.


Enable AI assistant

Determines whether to enable the AI assistant on this attribute.

Use multi row input

Determines whether to use a text area instead of a one line input field. Enter the height in pices you want it to be.


Unit of attribute values.

RegEx validation

A regular expression, which the input has to match.

Max length

The maximum number of characters allowed.

Show character count

Determines whether you want to show the number of characters entered.


Number of decimals

The number of decimals to round to.


Unit of attribute values.

RegEx validation

A regular expression, which the input has to match.


Include time

Determines whether users shall be able to select time as well as the date.


Media types

The types of files that can be selected in this attribute.

Allow multiselect

Determines whether it should be possible to choose more than one media item.


Sub attributes

The sub attributes, which this complex attribute should consist of.

Display rendering

The attributes that should be shown when rendering this attribute for frontend display.


A separator to use between attribute values. If more than one attribute is chosen for display rendering (default is ,).

Backoffice rendering

The attributes that should be shown when rendering this attribute in the backoffice.

Backoffice rendering separator

A separator to use between attribute values. If more than one attribute is chosen for backoffice rendering (default is ,)


Row data model

A row data model representing the data structure for each row in the list.

Render separator

A separator to use between rows when rendering to a single string (default is |)

Enable table view

Determines whether you want to display the list items in a searchable table.

Global list value

Global list

The global list which contains the values assignable to this attribute.

Allow multiple values

Determines whether selection of multiple values from the global list is allowed.

Product reference

Limit to product structure(s)

The product structures users shall be able to select products from (selecting none will allow users to select all products).

Allow multiple items

Determines whether it should be possible to select multiple products.

Variant group reference

Only variant groups of the product

Determines whether it is only possible to select variant groups of the product itself.

Limit to product structure(s)

The product structures users shall be able to select products from (selecting none will allow users to select all products).

Allow multiple items

Determines whether it should be possible to select multiple products.

Variant reference

Only variants of the product

Determines whether it is only possible to select variants of the product itself.

Limit to product structure(s)

The product structures users shall be able to select products from (selecting none will allow users to select all products).

Limit to variation definition(s)

The variation definitions users shall be able to select variants from (selecting none will allow users to select all variants).

Allow multiple items

Determines whether it should be possible to select multiple products.

Category reference

Allow multiple items

Determines whether it should be possible to select multiple products.

Collection reference

Product collections

Determines whether product collections can be selected.

Variant collections

Determines whether variant collections can be selected.

Allow multiple items

Determines whether it should be possible to select multiple products.

Attribute reference

Attribute scopes

The attribute scopes users shall be able to choose from.

Attribute types

The attribute types which are selectable.

Allow multiple values

Determines whether it should be possible to select multiple products.

Last updated