Bulk actions

Perform numerous bulk actions across your entities. Be guide through both bulk and mass editing abilities.

Note This page assumes you have already selected the product(s) you want to apply an action to and clicked the "Actions"-button.

Bulk update

  1. Click "Bulk update"

  2. Select data field you wish to update

  3. Click "Next"

  4. Enter new value

  5. Click "Confirm"

Update sequentially

  1. Click "Update sequentially"

  2. Select the data field(s) to work with

  3. Update data field(s)

  4. Click "Save changes"

Restore inheritance

  1. Click "Restore inheritance"

  2. Select the data field(s) to restore inheritance for

  3. Click "Restore inheritance"

Create task

  1. Click "Create task"

  2. Set Title and Responsible along with additional details

  3. Click "Create task"


  1. Click "Classify"

  2. Choose classification option

  3. Click "Next"

  4. Select one or more categories

  5. Click "Next"

  6. Click "Confirm"


  1. Click "Merge"

  2. Select product structure to user after merge

  3. Click "Confirm"

Note Merging of products cannot be undone.


  1. Click "Export"

  2. Select exporter

  3. Configure export

  4. Click "Download"


  1. Click "Archive"

  2. Select archive reason

  3. Confirm you understand the consequences of archiving

  4. Click "Archive X Products"

Add to workbench

  1. Click "Add to workbench"

  2. Select workbench

  3. Click "Confirm"

Export publication

  1. Click "Export publication"

  2. Set Template, Size, Language(s) and Segments to use for rendering

  3. Click "Next"

  4. Set Product catalogue

  5. Click "Build"

Change product structure

  1. Click "Change product structure"

  2. Set Product structure

  3. Click "Next"

  4. Click "Confirm"


  1. Click "Delete"

  2. Tick confirmation box

  3. Click "Confirm"

Last updated