Supplier onboarding portal

What is the Supplier Onboarding Portal

The Supplier onboarding portal is a separate web application to Struct PIM, to which one or more data suppliers can be assigned acess to a range of products and a range of fields on those products.

When users access the Supplier onboarding portal they can view the products they have been granted access to, and enter changes to fields they have access to change. Once they have made changes to one or more products, they can send these change proposals to the PIM owners. An Import request is made from the Supplier onboarding portal, which can be reviewed and accepted or declined in an import process within Struct PIM.

Different types of change requests

Besides the option to make change changes to fields directly in the Supplier onboarding portal, users can also upload files and assets through it, and send these to the PIM owners. Both methods will result in an import request being made in Struct PIM, which allows the PIM owners to validate the changes coming from the file uploads or the user interface of the Supplier onboarding portal.

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