How to use File mappings
File mappings allow you to save predefined mappings, making it easier if you frequently import the same structures.
Last updated
File mappings allow you to save predefined mappings, making it easier if you frequently import the same structures.
Last updated
You can find File mappings through Settings -> File mappings in the Struct PIM sidebar.
Clicking 'File mappings' will present you with an overview of all file mappings currently in the system.
To create a new File mapping click the green "Create new"-button in the top-right corner.
Having clicked "Create new" you are presented with the 'Create file mapping'-page.
We start by setting up the basics, like name, type of the entity you wish to import and an optional description.
Next we have the option of limiting the file mapping to only certain user groups by adding them under 'Availability'. In this tutorial we have elected to allow all user groups to use the file mapping.
You can choose to enable 'Use fallbacks' if you want empty localized or segmented values to fallback and finally you can choose the direction for the import/export.
For direction you have three options:
Import - This file mapping only works when importing
Export - This file mapping only works when exporting
Import/Export - This file mapping works for importing and exporting.
For this tutorial we only want the file mapping to work when importing.
Under 'Fields mapping' you can click the "Add field"-button to add a field mapping, this field represents the mapping of a column to an attribute in the PIM. You can add as many as you wish.
For this tutorial we need three fields.
The 'Field name'-field represents the name of a column in the excel spreadsheet and the 'Map to PIM field'-field represents an attribute in the PIM.
The excel spreadsheet we are using in this tutorial has the headers 'ProductName', 'Brand' and 'Price'. They map to 'ProductName', 'Brand (en-GB)' and 'Price DKK' respectively.
Having finished the mapping, you need to choose one or more keys. These key(s) will act as keys to match existing entities in the system. If the key(s) match a product in the system, that product will be updated with the data from the excel spreadsheet.
You have now created a file mapping. To finalize the creation click the "Save changes"-button in the bottom-right corner now to save your file mappings.
Custom Excel template is only for exporting, so it is not relevant for this tutorial.
Next time you import entities for which you have a File mapping, you can click "Load mapping" on the data mapping page.
This will reveal a dropdown showing all of the file mappings available to you. Choose your File mapping in the dropdown and click "Load".
Now your File mapping is loaded and you can cherish the time you saved mapping and click "Next" to continue importing.