
The changelog is an overview of all transactions made within PIM. Every transaction is logged with a date, time, transaction type and username.

You can view or rollback transactions through Product model setup > Changelog.

View transaction

Transactions are shown directly in the changelog page.

Find transaction

  1. Click column header name for Committed, Started, Transactions type or Username.

  2. Type value to search for

Export transactions

  1. Select the transactions you want to export

  2. Click the "Actions"-button

  3. Choose "Export selected"

View transaction changes

  1. Click the transaction you want to view transaction changes for

Find transaction change

  1. View transaction changes

  2. Click the search column(s) you want to search, Name or Type

  3. Enter your search parameter(s)

Rollback transaction change

  1. View transaction changes

  2. Identify the transaction change you want to rollback

  3. Click the "Rollback"-button

Bulk rollback transaction changes

  1. View transaction changes

  2. Select the transaction changes you want to rollback

  3. Click the "Actions"-button

  4. Choose "Rollback selected"

Export transaction changes

  1. View transaction changes

  2. Select the transaction changes you want to export

  3. Click the "Actions"-button

  4. Choose "Export selected"

Last updated