Global lists

Global lists are used to create predefined lists of entities that can be referenced on products, variants, categories or even other global lists.

You can add or update global lists through Global lists.

View global list

Global lists are shown directly in the Global lists page.

Find global list

  1. Click column header for Name or Alias

  2. Type value to search for

Add a new global list

  1. Click "Create new global list"

  2. Set Alias, Backoffice name and Data type along with additional details

  3. Click "Save global list configuration"

Edit global list

  1. Click "Edit"-icon

  2. Modify the global list details

  3. Click "Save global list configuration"

Delete global list

  1. Click "Delete"-icon

  2. Confirm delete

View values of global list

  1. Click on a global list

Create folder

  1. Right-click Global list menu

  2. Click "Create folder"

  3. Set Name of the folder

  4. Click "Create"

Last updated