
The dashboard consist of widgets, created according to the users preferences. Each widget type offers special functionality, that allows the user important insight into a specific area of the system.

You can see and modify Dashboard through Dashboard. On the top right of the dashboard, there is a menu with options for:

Edit dashboard

  1. Click "Grid"-icon

  2. Click "Edit dashboard"

  3. Modify dashboard

  4. Click "Save"

Edit default dashboard

  1. Click "Grid"-icon

  2. Click "Edit default dashboard"

  3. Edit default dashboard

  4. Click "Save"

Share dashboard

  1. Click "Grid"-icon

  2. Click "Share"-icon

  3. Set label

  4. Click "Tick mark"-icon

Manage saved searches

  1. Click "Grid"-icon

  2. Click "Manage saved searches"

  3. See details about adding, updating or deleting saved searches here: Saved searches

Manage tabs

  1. Click "Edit tabs"

  2. See details about adding, updating or deleting tabs here: Dashboard tabs

Add a new widget

  1. Click "Add widget"

  2. Choose Widget type and additional details

  3. Click "Add widget"

  4. Click "Save"

Edit widget

  1. Click "Gear"-icon of a widget

  2. Modify widget details

  3. Click "Update widget"

  4. Click "Save"

Move widget

  1. Drag and drop widget

  2. Click "Save"

Cut widget

  1. Click "Cut"-icon of a widget

  2. Navigate to tab to paste

  3. Click "Paste"

  4. Click "Save"

Resize widget

  1. Click "Resize"-icon in the bottom right of a widget

  2. Hold and resize

  3. Click "Save"

Delete widget

  1. Click "Delete"-icon of a widget

  2. Click "Save"

Last updated