
Get every team member on the same page with the easy-to-use task management with user assignment and product attachment capabilities

View task

Tasks are shown directly in the Tasks tab. Click on a task to view information about it.

Filter tasks

Tasks can be filtered by five different options:

  • Assigned to me

  • All assigned to me

  • Open tasks I have created

  • All tasks I have created

  • All tasks

Find task

  1. Click column header for Title, Status, Deadline, Responsible, Created or Unread comments

  2. Type value to search for

Tip When searching in text it defaults to a "Contain" search. If exact match is required wrap the search text in quotes like "text to search for".

Searching in numeric values supports less or greater than like <5 or >10.

Add a new task

  1. Click "Create task"

  2. Set Title and Responsible along with additional details

  3. Click "Create task"

Edit task

  1. Click "Edit"-icon

  2. Modify the task details

  3. Click "Update task"

Delete task

  1. Click "Delete"-icon

  2. Confirm delete

Bulk update tasks

  1. Select the tasks you wish to bulk update

  2. Click the icon corresponding to the property you wish to edit

  3. Set a new value

  4. Click "Set property"

Bulk delete tasks

  1. Select the tasks you wish to bulk delete

  2. Click the appearing "Trash can"-icon

  3. Click "OK" on the confirmation dialog

Pin a task to the sidebar

  1. Click the "Pin"-icon of the task you wish to pin