Publications 3.15

Version 3.15 introducing new features like full screen editing, complete editor experience for all elements of template including header/footer.

New and optimized experience building publication templates

Building a template for Publication can be quite complex with a lot of different features and ways of implementation to consider.

To simplify and accomodate this, only one template type exist. This template type can deliver any data output depending on how it is setup.

A template is now split in to main areas; Settings and Setup.


Settings contains all configuration of the template. All settings from description, reference, output, data input to advanced features like header/footer, table of contents and category pages.

These settings defines what input is possible for the template in design and what the final output of the template will be.


The new and improved design of template supports building custom content, header/footer on all levels like product pages, table of content and category pages.

All levels editing

To improve performance especially around header/footer a new concept of elements have been introduced.

This makes it possible to construct the content of the header/footer by placering any number of elements in its container.

These elements include text, html, image and background. The text element now supports full template conversion, using all data available through content. This can significantly improve performance as all elements, except html, can be directly drawn in the resulting PDF.

Elements for header and footer

Aside from performance improvement, all elements depending on data, now have full preview/data experience. This will make all work with elements like header/footer, table of content and category pages much easier, as actual data is available for the editor to see.

Data for all editors

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