Setup general settings for the PIM system.
You can make changes to the general setup through Settings > Setup > General.
Default language
The default language to use when rendering in contexts without a specified language.
Default culture
The default culture to use when rendering numbers in contexts without a specified language.
The timezone to use for date fields in the system. If none is chosen, the server tiemzone is used.
Important When changing the timezone you should also rebuild your indexes.
Hierarchy product limit
The max number of products displayed in the left hand hierarchy presentation (default is 100).
Hierarchy variant limit
The max number of variants displayed in the left hand hierarchy presentation (default is 100).
Warn on large updates
Set a limit on the size of bulk updates a use can do without being asked to explicitly confirm the update (default is unlimited).
Mark overriden fields in product editor
Determines whether values overriden by variants shall be displayed on product editor page (default is false).
Note This may have performance impact, if products have many variants i.e. thousands)
Struct PIM Url
The Url to Struct PIM.
Enable revision logging
Determines whether revision logging is enabled. Revision logging takes some time each time an item is saved. If revisions are not used at all, disable revision logging for improved performance.
Use legacy headers
Determines whether to use legacy PIM search headers in search lists (default is false).
Auto search
Determines whether Struct PIM shall search in real-time as you type in search in PIM or the user must actively select when to search (default is true).
Global search
The attributes to search when doing global searches for categories, products and variants in the top left corner of Struct PIM. If none are selected, only the name can be searched.
Upload media folder
A media folder to upload medias to, when importing medias.
Note Remember to click "Save general" after making changes.