Enrichment Insights

Enrichment insights allow you to keep track of the enrichment of your products, categories, variants or variantgroups based on criteria chosen by you.

You can add or update enrichment measurements through Product model setup > Enrichment Insights.

View enrichment measurements

Enrichment measurements are shown directly in the enrichment insights page.

Find enrichment measurement

  1. Click column header for Alias, Label or Entity type

  2. Type value to search for

Add a new enrichment measurement

  1. Click "Add enrichment measurement"

  2. Set Entity type, Alias and Label along with additional details

  3. Click "Create enrichment insight setup"

Edit enrichment measurement

  1. Click "Edit"-icon

  2. Modify enrichment measurement details

  3. Setup Insights

  4. Click "Save enrichment insight setup"

Delete enrichment measurement

  1. Click "Delete"-icon

  2. Confirm deletion