
Conditions must be met for the actions in a business rule to execute.

You can add or update conditions through Product model setup > Business rules > Conditions.

Add a new condition set

  1. Click "Add condition"

  2. Click "Plus"-icon in the appearing dialog

  3. Choose a condition from the condition list

  4. Click "Next"

  5. Configure settings if required

  6. Click "Confirm"

Edit condition set

  1. Click "Edit"-icon

  2. Modify condition settings

  3. Click "Confirm"

Delete condition set

  1. Click "Delete"-icon

Add a new condition

  1. Click condition set

  2. Click "Plus"-icon

  3. Choose a condition from the condition list

  4. Click "Next"

  5. Configure settings if required

  6. Click "Confirm"

  7. Click "Confirm"

Edit condition

  1. Click condition set

  2. Click condition to edit

  3. Modify condition configuration

  4. Click "Confirm"

  5. Click "Confirm"

Delete condition

  1. Click condition set

  2. Click "Cross"-icon

  3. Click "Confirm"

Tip A trigger must be set before you can add a condition set.

Tip If a condition set contains more than one condition, choose whether to use 'And' or 'Or' for the conditions. If 'And' is chosen both conditions must be met for the condition set to be satisfied. If 'Or' is chosen one of the conditions or both of them must be met for the condition set to be satisfied.