Global list details
Details that define and describe the global list.
You can add or update global lists through Global lists.
A unique alias to the global list, which can be used to reference the list elsewhere in the system.
Backoffice name
The name the global list will be displayed by within the backoffice.
Backoffice description
Description to display along with the global list when shown in the backoffice.
Display name
A display name to use when this global list is displayed in any channel outside of PIM. The display name is localized.
Data type
The date type of the attribute. The chosen datatype will reveal additional details.
Key definition
The subattribute(s) to use as key in the global list. If left empty, all subattributes are considered as key.
Key is case insensitive
Determines whether key should act as case insensitive. By default keys are case sensitive.
Requires sorting
Determines whether values must be sorted upon creation. If true, the user must sort the item when creating.
Localize data
Determines whether data for this attribute is localized.
View permission
Determines whether a permission is required in order to see this global list.
Create permission
Determines whether a permission is required in order to create values in this global list.
Edit permission
Determines whether a permission is required in order to edit values in this global list.
Delete permission
Determines whether a permission is required in order to delete values in this global list.