Attributes are one of the core concepts in the system and function as the building blocks of products, variants, categories and global lists
What are attributes
An attribute is a definition of a field in the system. Attributes are used to define the type of field (ie. numbers, texts, dropdowns) and if the data in the field shall be localized or even segmented on a specific dimension. Attributes can be attached to Product models, Variant models, Category models and definesdata structures on Global lists.
Note: Attributes for products, variants and categories are defined globally and attached to the different models. This means that attributes can be reused across different models.
The different attribute types
Struct PIM has a range of different attribute types, ranging from simple Text attributes to more advanced Complex attributes, which makes it possible to build any data model by combining these.
The different types of attributes are:
Text A text attribute defines a free text input and can be configured to allow unformatted text or rich text
Number A number attirbute defines a number input field
Boolean A boolean attribute defines a true/false selection box
Date A date attribute defines a date or date and time input field
Media A media attribute defines a media selector, which can be configured to allow selection of files, folders and/or images
GlobalListValue A global list value attribute defines a dropdown selection box that is configured to allow selection of one or multiple items from a global list (What are Global Lists)
ProductReference A product reference attribute defines a selector of references to products in the system and can be configured to allow single or multiple selections
VariantReference A variant reference attribute defines a selector of references to variants in the system and can be configured to allow single or multiple selections
CategoryReference A category reference attribute defines a selector of references to categories in the system and can be configured to allow single or multiple selections (This is not the same as classifications of products in categories)
AttributeReference An attribute reference attribute defines a selector of other attributes (or sub attributes) in the system and can be configured to allow single or multiple selections
CollectionReference A collection reference attribute defines a selector of references to collections in the system and can be configured to allow single or multiple selections (What are collections)
Complex A complex attribute defines a data model consisting of multiple data fields, each defined by an attribute of any type. A complex attribute has a subattribute for each data field that comprises the complex attribute data model
List A list attribute defines a list of values. The data in each row of values is defined by a template attribute of any type. Using a Complex attribute as the template attribute allows for multiple fields in each row of the list
Attribute groups
Attribute groups are used to group attributes for visual presentation on different channels. An attribute can be attached to 0 to 1 attribute groups.
Attribute scopes
Attribute scopes defines a technical grouping of attributes, that can be used to ease the programmical management of attributes.
If for example a range of attributes must be shown in a table view of technical specifications for a product on an E-commerce solution, these attributes must be marked in some way in order to know exactly which attributes to show. For this purpose, attribute scopes can be used. If all technical specification attributes are placed within the same attribute scope, the website can easily know exactly which attributes to display in the table.