Widget types
Widgets are the key feature of the dashboard. They can be set up to give you instantaneous information about key insights in the system.
You can see and modify Dashboard through Dashboard.
Activity list
Shows a timeline of the activity of users, including what the activity was, when it was and by whom it was performed.
Attribute statistics
Shows the total amount of attributes, attribute groups, attribute scopes, localized attributes and dimensioned attributes.
Background tasks
Shows the background tasks for a chosen amount of days, including the name of the task and its progress.
Categories count
Shows the total amount of categories.
Import requests
Shows pending datasupplier import requests and allows you to navigate to the requests by clicking them.
Distribution chart
Shows a pie, bar or polar area chart for an entity based on a chosen distribution field.
Enrichment insights
Shows a pie chart of enrichment insight fulfillment on an enrichment insight and an optional filter.
Shows a simple Header with an optional description.
Product count
Shows the total amount of products.
Quick export
Allows you to quickly export entities from a saved search in a desired file format.
Search result
Shows the total amount of entities resulting from a saved search and allows you to navigate to the searched products by clicking on the widget.
Shows shortcuts made by the systems users.
Shows a graph showing the amount of entities in one or more saved search result on the y-axis and days or months as units on the x-axis.
Transaction statistics
Shows how many transactions has been made in total and today.
Task list
Shows a scollable list of open tasks, including their title, status deadline and comments.
Variant count
Shows the total amount of variants.
Webhook errors
Shows the amount of failed webhooks for the last X amount of days and the amount of failed webhooks from today.
Webhook events
Shows the last X amount of webhook requests, including the webhook, event and details such as date, time and response code. Also includes an option to see additional details about the request by clicking on the "Information"-icon.