# EnrichmentInsightSetups

#Available from v.3.5.0 Enrichment insight setups are used to define insights that are continuously calculated for products, variants or categories in the system. The Enrichment insight setup defines which data is required for an entity to be considered 100% fulfilled for the insight setup in question.

GET /enrichmentinsightsetups Get all Enrichment Insights

#Available from v.3.5.0

Response status OK (200)

array : EnrichmentInsightSetup
Property name Data type Description
Uid string

Unique id of enrichment insight setup

EntityType string

Entity type this insight is to be calculated for

Alias string

Unique alias of this insight setup

Label string

Presented name of this enrichment insight setup

Setup array : ConfigurationInsightSetup

Setup of required fields for each configuration available to this insight setup (One for each product structure or each catalogue depnding on the entity type)

Property name Data type Description
ConfigurationUid string

Uid of configuration these required data accounts for (if entity type of insights setup is category, this will be the uid of a catalogue. For variants and products this should hold the uid of a product structure)

CategoryId integer

Id of selected category which is chosen for the insight

RequiredData array : InsightDataReference

List of data references that are required for this insight to be 100% for entities using the configuration in question

Property name Data type Description
Type string

Type of data reference

DataReference string

The data reference itself

PUT /enrichmentinsightsetups Update a Enrichment Insight

#Available from v.3.5.0

Request parameters

Property name Parameter type Data type Description
setup body object : EnrichmentInsightSetup

Enrichment Insight to update

Property name Data type Description
Uid string

Unique id of enrichment insight setup

EntityType string

Entity type this insight is to be calculated for

Alias string

Unique alias of this insight setup

Label string

Presented name of this enrichment insight setup

Setup array : ConfigurationInsightSetup

Setup of required fields for each configuration available to this insight setup (One for each product structure or each catalogue depnding on the entity type)

Property name Data type Description
ConfigurationUid string

Uid of configuration these required data accounts for (if entity type of insights setup is category, this will be the uid of a catalogue. For variants and products this should hold the uid of a product structure)

CategoryId integer

Id of selected category which is chosen for the insight

RequiredData array : InsightDataReference

List of data references that are required for this insight to be 100% for entities using the configuration in question

Property name Data type Description
Type string

Type of data reference

DataReference string

The data reference itself

Response status OK (200)

No body message is returned

POST /enrichmentinsightsetups Create a new Enrichment Insight

#Available from v.3.5.0

Request parameters

Property name Parameter type Data type Description
setup body object : EnrichmentInsightSetup

Enrichment Insight to create

Property name Data type Description
Uid string

Unique id of enrichment insight setup

EntityType string

Entity type this insight is to be calculated for

Alias string

Unique alias of this insight setup

Label string

Presented name of this enrichment insight setup

Setup array : ConfigurationInsightSetup

Setup of required fields for each configuration available to this insight setup (One for each product structure or each catalogue depnding on the entity type)

Property name Data type Description
ConfigurationUid string

Uid of configuration these required data accounts for (if entity type of insights setup is category, this will be the uid of a catalogue. For variants and products this should hold the uid of a product structure)

CategoryId integer

Id of selected category which is chosen for the insight

RequiredData array : InsightDataReference

List of data references that are required for this insight to be 100% for entities using the configuration in question

Property name Data type Description
Type string

Type of data reference

DataReference string

The data reference itself

Response status OK (200)

No body message is returned

DELETE /enrichmentinsightsetups Delete a Enrichment Insight

#Available from v.3.5.0

Request parameters

Property name Parameter type Data type Description
uid query string

Uid of Enrichment Insight to delete

Response status OK (200)

No body message is returned

GET /enrichmentinsightsetups/{entityType}/availabledatareferences Get available data references for a specific entity type

#Available from v.3.5.0

Request parameters

Property name Parameter type Data type Description
entityType path string

Type of entity (Category, Product or Variant)

configurationUid query string

Uid of configuration (product structure or catalogue) to get available data references for

categoryId query integer

CategoryId to get data references for

Response status OK (200)


GET /enrichmentinsightsetups/{uid} Get a specific Enrichment Insight

#Available from v.3.5.0

Request parameters

Property name Parameter type Data type Description
uid path string

Unique id of Enrichment Insight

Response status OK (200)

object : EnrichmentInsightSetup
Property name Data type Description
Uid string

Unique id of enrichment insight setup

EntityType string

Entity type this insight is to be calculated for

Alias string

Unique alias of this insight setup

Label string

Presented name of this enrichment insight setup

Setup array : ConfigurationInsightSetup

Setup of required fields for each configuration available to this insight setup (One for each product structure or each catalogue depnding on the entity type)

Property name Data type Description
ConfigurationUid string

Uid of configuration these required data accounts for (if entity type of insights setup is category, this will be the uid of a catalogue. For variants and products this should hold the uid of a product structure)

CategoryId integer

Id of selected category which is chosen for the insight

RequiredData array : InsightDataReference

List of data references that are required for this insight to be 100% for entities using the configuration in question

Property name Data type Description
Type string

Type of data reference

DataReference string

The data reference itself